
Copyrights(c). Brians Film All Rights reserved, dakkk1@hotmail.com

Title : The Customized Play

Running Time : 90 min
Genre : Thriller, Drama, Fantasy
Raitings : Under 12 not addmitted
Techniques : 2D, 3D

Chun Jaeyoung and Chun Yusun visit the unusual drama company, which produces the customized play for each client.
They ask the boss of troupe to make the play for their father, Chun Jongsik having a 70th birthday.
The boss creates the customized play having interviews with their father and his acquaintances.
In the play, Chun Jongsik experiences fiction and truth from the past so that he realizes what he has done and
what he has been feeling sincerely,and eventually faces the trauma that has harassed himself.